
Ut (Jo Jo) Gong


HCI, Info Vis, and Data Mining

“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” — Winston Churchill

I believe that a better flow of information can make every reader a better person. My research focuses on designing computing systems that break down barriers between people and technology, particularly for marginalized communities.

I am interested in harnessing computational models to design systems that empower users and make complex systems more intuitive and accessible. My work bridges theoretical models and practical applications, shaping inclusive technology.


Aug. 25, 2024🧠

One short paper accepted to IEEE VIS 2024 Workshop!

May. 08, 2024🎓

Appointed as Fellow at Harvard's Visual Computing Group under Professor Hanspeter Pfister

Mar. 10, 2023✈️

Attending IEEE VR 2024 in Orlando Disneyland, looking forward to meeting everyone!

Dec. 18, 2023🎓

I have completed my final exam, marking my graduation from college!

Dec. 15, 2023🧠

One paper accepted to IEEE VR 2024!

Jun. 21, 2023💼

Joining ZJUIDG as an undergraduate research assistant under Professor Yingcai Wu.

Jun. 01, 2023💻

The LangTime Studio, designed for colangers, is now available!

Jul. 07 , 2022💼

Began collaborating with Tan Tang from JD Intelligent City Research.

Jul. 01, 2022💼

Joining JD Intelligent City Research as an algorithm engineer under Dr. Yu Zheng and Dr. Jie Bao.